Programme News

4 May 2009
To the untrained eye, the human tide surging through the South African border town of Musina is just that: a mass of people leaving Zimbabwe's collapsed economy to seek job opportunities and a better life. Sebelo Sibanda, of Lawyers for Human Rights in Musina, is a more acute observer; he sees changes taking place in a migration that is believed to number between one million and more than three...
4 May 2009
Human Rights Watch on Thursday called for an immediate end to the detainment and deportation of Zimbabweans in South Africa, calling it a "violation of the government's recently announced moratorium". The United States-based group claims that police in Musina, close to the Zimbabwean border, continued to detain Zimbabwe foreign nationals despite an announcement made earlier this month...
3 May 2009
MUSINA,, 30April 2009 (IRIN) - The South African border town of Musina is bracing for anincrease in migrants as faith in Zimbabwe's new unity government wanes and thelure of a new permit system specifically tailored for Zimbabweans makes iteasier for them to work and study in South Africa. 

Musina, 17km south ofZimbabwe, has been the first port of call for millions of Zimbabweans fleeingan...
29 April 2009
The Pretoria High Court has ordered the release of about 600 Zimbabweans who were held for longer than 48 hours at the Soutpansberg Military Grounds just outside Musina. The court heard that the police continued to detain the Zimbabweans at the holding facility despite a special dispensation announced by the minister of home affairs which allowed these nationals to remain in South Africa lawfully...
23 April 2009
Land Affairs Minister Lulu Xingwana and Veronica Moos - whose farm was recently seized due to the department's "use it or lose it" land distribution policy - on Tuesday reached an interim agreement in terms of which Moos will be allowed access to the farm during the day. Moos had headed to the high court here to ask for an urgent order against the minister in terms of which her...
21 April 2009
(Press release)
Despite the announcement by the Department of Home Affairs of a special dispensation for Zimbabwean nationals in South Africa, SAPS officers continue to arrest and detain hundreds of Zimbabweans in the Musina area.  In recognition of the humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe, the Department of Home Affairs has finally heeded the call for a special exemption permit for Zimbabwean nationals who often...
15 April 2009
(Press release)
Lawyers for Human Rights has been shocked by the recent threats of Ms Lulu Xingwana, the Minister of Land Affairs and her apparent "use it or lose it" land distribution policy.  LHR is representing Ms Veronica Moos, a beneficiary of the land redistribution policy, who has recently seen her occupation of her farm personally violated by the Minister.  It appears that the Minister has used...
12 April 2009
Bapsfontein - Me. Veronica Moos sê me. LuluXingwana, minister van landbou en grondsake, het haar van haar hoewe afgeskopnet soos die apartheidsregering haar ma in die 1960's uit haar huis in DistrikSes in Kaapstad gegooi het."Die geskiedenis word mos herhaal. Ek het nognie eens vir my 77-jarige ma gesê wat hier gebeur het nie, want ek onthou nogdie trane in haar oë toe die stootskrapers haar...
7 April 2009
Victory is in sight for residents of the troubled Moutse district which was incorporated into Limpopo by the Municipal Demarcation Board four years ago. An agreement was reached with ANC general secretary Gwede Mantashe at a meeting this weekend in Bronkhorstspruit - about 90km away from the affected area. According to one of three proposals presented by Mantashe at Saturday's meeting, the...
3 April 2009
"Most Zimbabweans are not asylum-seekers, they are economic migrants. So what they want to do is to come into the country do some work and go back home and take money back," said Home Affairs Director General of Immigration Services Jackie MacKay. The permit gives migrants the right to work and get healthcare and education.   Zimbabweans can get permits to stay legally in South...