Programme News

8 March 2017
(Press release)
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) is greatly encouraged by Justice Mandisa Maya’s presidential nomination for head of the Supreme Court of Appeal. Justice Maya would be the first woman to hold this position in South African history, thereby striking a blow indeed against the gendered glass ceiling.   Gender parity on the Bench is part and parcel of the post-apartheid transformation of the...
7 March 2017
When: Wednesday, 8 March 2017, Where: Rosebank (Hyatt Regency Hotel) Time: 09H00 AM   The press conference will share with the media a submission made to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, by South Africa's leading jurists and retired judges. The submission is made by the following jurists and retired judges:...
1 March 2017
(Press release)
On 22 February 2017 Eastleigh Primary School in Edenvale, Gauteng, issued a letter to all foreign parents threatening to refuse their children access to education and to have children arrested if their papers are not in order.   Although the school has retracted the letter, it is important, particularly amidst xenophobic marches and increasing school admission refusals, to shed light on the...
24 February 2017
For immediate use Issued by: Coalition of Civics Against Xenophobia The very low turnout at today’s xenophobic anti-foreigner march in Tshwane confirms that the overwhelming majority of South Africans cannot be seduced by messages of division and hate. This is after weeks and weeks of mobilisation efforts by the organisers. Despite playing on the very real and relentless poverty and...
20 February 2017
(Press release)
PRESS CONFERENCE – TUES, 21 FEB PRETORIA COMMUNITIES UNITED AGAINST XENOPHOBIA DATE: Tuesday, 21 February TIME: 11h00 VENUE: Lawyers for Human Rights, Kutlwanong Democracy Centre, 357 Visagie Street, Pretoria   On Sunday 19 February, the Gauteng Civic Association (GACA) convened a highly successful meeting of community organisations representing South African communities and...
16 February 2017
  On 13 December 2016, Sonke Gender Justice, represented by Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), launched an application in the Western Cape High Court challenging the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Correctional Services Act (‘CSA’). Chapter Nine of the CSA establishes the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (‘the Inspectorate’). The legislation...
10 February 2017
(Press release)
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) is representing a group of informal traders from Mamelodi Danneboom Metrorail station. The informal traders went against the City of Tshwane and Developers of a new mall (worth 850m) at the Station. Today, the City of Tshwane and the Developers agreed to a structured court interdict after a series of negotiations. The traders have agreed to relocate to a temporary...
10 February 2017
(Press release)
A coalition of civil society groups resolved at a meeting on the sidelines of the Alternative Mining Indaba in Cape Town on Tuesday, 7 February to oppose in every way possible the draft mining law amendment returned to Parliament by President Jacob Zuma in 2015.   Mosebenzi Zwane, the Minister of Mineral Resources, promised business at the Investing in African Mining Indaba in Cape Town on...
7 February 2017
LHR is an independent human rights organisation with a thirty-eight-year track record of human rights activism and public interest litigation in South Africa. We offer human rights lawyers an exciting and challenging work environment covering a wide range of social justice issues. LHR is inviting applications from law graduates with an interest in human rights law and public interest litigation...
6 February 2017
(Press release)
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) is representing a group of informal traders from Mamelodi Danneboom Metrorail station. The informal traders are going up against the developer of a new mall (worth 850m) at the Station. One of the key concerns raised by the traders is lack of transparency by the developer. When the rumours of a new mall started spreading, the traders were never informed about their...