Programme News

23 October 2018
(Press release)
On 10 February 2017, a group of about 287 informal traders from Mamelodi Denneboom Metrorail station obtained a court order in their favour against the City of Tshwane and Isibonelo Property Services (the developers of the new mall at Denneboom station worth R850 m). The order was sought on an urgent basis after the City and Isibonelo had embarked on an aggressive constructive eviction of the...
22 October 2018
(Press release)
Johannesburg, 22 October 2018 Press release: Civil Society Coordinating Collective (CSCC) which is an umbrella body that brings together approximately 50 organisations and individuals and The Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa (CoRMSA) representing 24 members nationally together with, Sonke Gender Justice, International Labour Research and and Information Group (ILRIG) and...
18 October 2018
(Press release)
16 October 2018 15 OCTOBER – GENEVA – ActionAid, together with African civil society organisations Democratic Governance and Human Rights Advocates (DEGHA), Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA), Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS), as well as International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), will host a discussion at the Fourth...
16 October 2018
(Press release)
South African Academics and NGOS welcome Draft of Treaty to Regulate, in International Human Rights Law, the Activities of Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises We, the undersigned academics and NGOs dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights, welcome the Zero Draft of a Legally Binding Instrument to regulate, in International...
16 October 2018
(Press release)
15 October 2018 In an arbitration held in September 2018, the Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council (the PHSDSBC) ruled that fixed-term employment contracts between Community Health Care Workers (CHWs) and the Gauteng Health Department were concluded in breach of section 198B of the Labour Relations Act (LRA). Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) represented the...
9 October 2018
(Press release)
Today, the Constitutional Court handed down judgment in the matter of Ahmed and Others v the Minister of Home Affairs and Another, which concerns the constitutionality of a directive issued by the Department of Home Affairs (“DHA”), known as Directive 21. This directive places a total bar on holders of asylum seeker permits, in terms of section 22 of the Refugees Act, on applying for...
9 October 2018
(Press release)
The Marievale Community is once again embroiled in another legal battle against the SANDF. While the application for contempt of court against the Minister of Defence, the SANDF and the Officer Commanding Marievale Military Base has been set down for hearing on 19 November 2018, LHR has launched another urgent application to be heard on 9 October 2018 on behalf of the residents of Happiness...
21 September 2018
(Press release)
21 September 2018 On 20 September 2018, the Constitutional Court handed down judgment in the matter of Rosemary Hunter v Financial Sector Conduct Authority and Others, which concerned the legality of the so-called “cancellations project” by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”), formerly known as the Financial Services Board.  The “cancellations...
14 September 2018
(Press release)
(PRESS RELEASE) -- Lawyers for Human Rights welcomes the Constitutional Court’s decision upholding the right of some 6,000 people of the Blyvooruitzicht Mining Village, a distressed mining community located west of Johannesburg, to continue receiving piped water. The Constitutional Court dismissed an appeal, brought by Rand Water, against an order of the Pretoria High Court preventing...
11 September 2018
(Press release)
On 9 May 2018, Judge Norman Davis handed down judgment in the Pretoria High Court in favour of the residents of Marievale who had been violently and unlawfully evicted from their homes by members of SANDF during November and December 2017. The court ordered that the evicted families must be restored to their homes within 30 days of granting the order, and where restoration was not possible, SANDF...