Programme News

31 August 2011
24 hours - That's what Home Affairs has given Soweto-born Kaya FM producer to prove he is South African KAYA FM executive producer Thabo Shole-Mashao was racing against time yesterday in a bid to prove to the Department of Home Affairs that he is a South African. Shole-Mashao, 31, went to Home Affairs to apply for a new passport but officials confiscated his ID and gave him 24 hours to prove...
31 August 2011
GENEVA, August 25 (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency today launches a global campaign to promote action against statelessness, a scourge for millions of people worldwide. "These people are in desperate need of help because they live in a nightmarish legal limbo," High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said. "This makes them some of the most excluded people in the...
10 August 2011
05 August 2011 | ILSE DE LANGE JOHANNESBURG - A North Gauteng High Court judge yesterday ordered the Steve Biko Hospital in Pretoria to immediately recommence treatment of a four-year-old Zimbabwean girl, who is critically ill with a malignant brain tumour. The little girl’s father went to court with the help of Lawyers for Human Rights after the hospital told him his daughter’s...
10 August 2011
Aug 8, 2011 | KHETHIWE CHELEMU In what could be a landmark case, 19 Ethiopian men have taken Minister of Home Affairs Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma to court, claiming her department illegally arrested them. In court papers filed in the Johannesburg High Court, the men claim that the Department of Foreign Affairs acted unlawfully by arresting them hours after they arrived in the city on June 26 and by...
4 August 2011
Opinion Piece in the Natal Mercury by Jessica George, Lawyers for Human Rights If you spend an afternoon near the Beit Bridge border, 18km from Musina, you may encounter a group of boys playing soccer in the street. Typical teenagers, they laugh and joke, exhausting every last ray of sunlight before the day’s end. Night is harsher; some sleep in a container down the road sponsored by...
3 August 2011
If you spend an afternoon near the Beit Bridge border, 18km from Musina, you may encounter a group of boys playing soccer in the street. Typical teenagers, they laugh and joke, exhausting every last ray of sunlight before the day’s end. Night is harsher; some sleep in a container down the road sponsored by Save the Children. Others sleep on the streets, lying on top of one another for...
22 June 2011
Increasingly South Africa is receiving children migrating from countries as far off as Somalia, DRC, Burundi and Zimbabwe who cross borders without parents, relatives or care-givers. Commonly referred to as unaccompanied minors, these children leave their countries of origin for a number of reasons, some fleeing war and conflict, forcible recruitment as child soldiers, forced marriage,...
1 June 2011
(Press release)
Lawyers for Human Rights notes its dismay at the closure of the only refugee reception office in Johannesburg at Crown Mines. The closure of this office is due to a court order requiring its closure after the surrounding businesses in the area approached the court to seek the closure of the office. It appears that this order was granted on the grounds that DHA used the building without...