Programme News
9 November 2010
(Press release)
From today, refugees and asylum seekers will again be able to access their bank accounts using their refugee and asylum seeker permits issued by the Department of Home Affairs. LHR will seek an order by consent in the South Gauteng High Court directing that such permits should be accepted.
In May 2010, the Financial Intelligence Service (the “FIC”) issued a...
15 October 2010
Scores of homeless people living on a piece of land near Moreleta Park have been left without a roof over their head after their structures were destroyed by Joint Venture security guards yesterday. The people said the security guards - also known as the Red Ants - were accompanied by Tshwane Metro Police officers.
The homeless people, some of whom claim they have been living there for more...
14 September 2010
Faced with the August 12 expiry of his Section 22 asylum seekers permit which has to be renewed every three months, Zimbabwean Kholwani Ngwenya, 31, went to the Cape Town Refugee Reception office on August 10. But a month later Ngwenya still hasn’t got to the front of the queue at the Maitland Home Affairs office despite returning by 6am every morning. And he is afraid that when he...
27 August 2010
(Press release)
On Monday, 23 August 2010, a contingent of officials from the Khara Hais Municipality accompanied by security guards and members of the SAPS arrived at New Heaven informal settlement in Paballelo, Upington. The municipal officials proceeded to tear down and demolish approximately ten shacks which had been erected and were occupied by desperately poor people including households headed by women,...
25 August 2010
(Press release)
Press Release - 25 August 2010
The advent of the removal of children begging in the streets in Tshwane, some accompanying adults has the public raging with dissent. Jo’burg Child Welfare (JCW) has the following comments on this issue:
“We note that such children are exposed to a great many hazards and that there is an urgent need for intervention to improve their...
22 August 2010
Daar is nuwe hoop vir die blinde Zimbabwiese vrou wie se baba deur wetstoepassers uit haar arms geruk is terwyl sy op ’n straathoek gebedel het. Die beeldmateriaal van die getraumatiseerde vrou en haar huilende baba (18 maande) het lesers die afgelope week aangegryp en fel kritiek van menseregtegroepe ontlok. Die vrou se ander kind (4) is ook by haar afgeneem.
Rapport het gister...
19 August 2010
(Press release)
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) and the Centre for Child Law (CCL) at the University of Pretoria will approach the North Gauteng High Court today at 14:00 to seek an urgent order for the release of three children from unlawful custody by state officials, most notably from the Department of Social Development (DSD).
On a terrifying Friday 13 August 2010, several state agencies including the...
12 August 2010
The squatters' shacks were burnt down by the Tshwane Metro Police on July 21. With the assistance of Lawyers for Human Rights, the squatters took the council to court.
Acting Pretoria high court judge Jody Kollapen ordered the municipality to erect temporary shelter for the squatters. Judge Kollapen ruled against the municipality's plan to move the squatters to a site in Struben Street, near...
12 August 2010
The cemetery land also serves as a football ground for the squatters. A slimy nearby pond, which oozes green fungi sludge is used by the squatters as a laundry.
"Our biggest fear is the rainy season because the tents will be flooded," Michael Furanji said as he washed his clothes in the pond.
The camp is littered with the burnt-out remains of what used to be the squatters'...
24 July 2010
Pretoria - Moving a group of illegal Moreleta Park squatters to the other side of Pretoria would amount to an illegal eviction, Acting Judge Jody Kollapen told the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria on Friday.
Kollapen refused to allow the Tshwane municipality to temporarily move the group of over 300 squatters to a building in Strueben Street in the West of Pretoria.
He gave the municipality...