Programme News
31 August 2015
It is not a very likely place to find the cause of a potential diplomatic squabble, the makeshift bedroom in a kitchen stacked to the roof with cooldrink crates in one of the less affluent parts of Durban. Nor does journalist António Capalandanda, with his dreadlocks and soft, halting voice, seem the kind of figure who could cause trouble between nations.
But looks can be deceiving. At the...
28 August 2015
THE Department of Home Affairs has never been particularly efficient. Recent events have confirmed that its traditional weaknesses have not been addressed, while showing that new problems have developed, particularly in relation to how foreigners and, above all, migrants are being treated.
With a view to resolving the impasse, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is now leading an interministerial...
26 August 2015
The LHR said the guilty verdict showed that effective and efficient investigations could result in convictions.
“LHR is hopeful that this conviction will lead to future investigations and prosecutions of perpetrators of excessive violence – particularly when committed by state officials,” spokesperson Melissa du Preez said.
The High Court in Pretoria found former Daveyton police...
25 August 2015
(Press release)
Lawyers for Human Rights welcomes judgment in the murder of Daveyton taxi driver Mido Macia which shows that effective and efficient investigations can result in convictions.
LHR is hopeful that this conviction will lead to future investigations and prosecutions of perpetrators of excessive violence - particularly when committed by state officials.
Little has been done to bring those involved in...
21 August 2015
The Constitutional court has passed a judgment ordering the Port Elizabeth Home Affairs to reopen the Refugee Reception Office saying the closure was unlawful.
Lawyers for Human Rights say this judgment will go a long way to ensuring refugees are protected under international law.
Despite a Constitutional Court judgment for the Home Affairs to reopen the Reception Office, it remained closed for...
19 August 2015
The fifth annual Public Interest Law Gathering (PILG) was held at the University of the Witwatersrand last month, and provided South African lawyers and civil society with an opportunity to reflect on issues affecting the public interest sphere and to discuss ways in which the law can be used as a tool for social change.
As in all previous years, the event featured fascinating discussions on...
12 August 2015
The Department of Home Affairs said it will comply with the Constitutional Court's order to re-open the refugee centre in Port Elizabeth.
The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Refugee Rights Centre challenged the closure of centre in the High Court in February 2012 and won the case in 2013.
The department appealed to the Supreme Court of Appeal which ruled against it.
The closure...
11 August 2015
On Wednesday, the Constitutional court dismissed an application by the department of home affairs to appeal a Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) judgment that declared its decision to close the Port Elizabeth refugee office unlawful.
This means that the SCA judgment stands.
Asylum seekers and people wishing to be granted refugee status have to apply for in person at a refugee office, such as the one...
11 August 2015
The media and the public will now be allowed to attend asylum seekers’ appeals when conducted following the adoption of the Refugee Amendment Bill.
Parliament’s portfolio committee on home affairs adopted the bill last week.
The bill would ease asylum seekers’ appeals and refugees’ applications to maintain their status in the country as it would fast-track both processes,...