LHR joins the Africa Region Intersessional Consultation on the UN Binding Human Rights Treaty in Accra

Date: 03/10/2023

Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) is delighted to announce its participation in the Africa Region Intersessional Consultation on the United Nations Legally Binding Instrument Regulating the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights. This significant event will be held in collaboration with Action Aid Ghana, the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS), NORAD, FIDA Uganda, Mining Affected Communities United in Action/Women by Affected Mining United in Action and other distinguished partners on 3 October 2023 in Accra, Ghana.

Building upon the success of the 2023 Binding Treaty Indaba hosted by LHR, CALS, Action Aid, and the Alternative Information Development Centre, an African perspective has been firmly established and developed in preparation for the 9th Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group negotiations to be held from 22 – 28 October 2023 in Geneva. The Indaba, attended primarily by affected communities, academics, and civil society organisations from across Africa, resulted in robust resolutions that reflect the unique challenges faced by Africa.

Thato Gaffane, a Candidate Legal Practitioner in the Environmental Rights Programme of LHR, expressed the importance of this Africa Region Intersessional Consultation, stating, “This session offers a perfect opportunity to address aspects that could not be fully explored during the Indaba, specifically the examination of the 4th draft of the Legally Binding Instrument as this draft had not yet been released at the time of our previous gathering. It is crucial for African states, CSOs, and academics to unite once more to further develop resolutions and an African perspective that accurately represents the challenges faced on the continent.”

Jessica Lawrence, Senior Attorney and Head of the Environmental Rights Programme at LHR emphasised, “In the previous negotiations, Africa lacked a regional consultation, which posed challenges in presenting a unified perspective. It created the perception of disunity within Africa. However, this year, we are moving forward collectively to strengthen the LBI with a unified African perspective that truly serves the most vulnerable in the continent.”

During the Africa Region Intersessional Consultation, LHR will provide a comprehensive analysis of key articles within the Legally Binding Instument, concentrating on its scope and issues related to victims’ access to remedies. LHR is committed to contributing substantively to these deliberations to help shape a more equitable and just international legal framework for human rights and corporate accountability.

LHR is eagerly anticipating this session and looks forward to engaging in meaningful discussions that will further the cause of protecting human rights in the face of transnational corporate activities in Africa.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Jessica Lawrence: jessical@lhr.org.za

Thato Gaffane: thato@lhr.org.za

Tel: 011 339 1960