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31 August 2015
It is not a very likely place to find the cause of a potential diplomatic squabble, the makeshift bedroom in a kitchen stacked to the roof with cooldrink crates in one of the less affluent parts of Durban. Nor does journalist António Capalandanda, with his dreadlocks and soft, halting voice, seem the kind of figure who could cause trouble between nations.
But looks can be deceiving. At the...
31 August 2015
Platmin in hof gepak oor myn op plaas
Regslui vir Menseregte doen Donderdag aansoek om ’n dringende hofbevel teen Pilanesberg Platinum Mines (Platmin) om sy mynboubedrywighede op die plaas Wilgerspruit summier te staak.
Luidens hofstukke is die Lesethleng-gemeenskap van die grond afgedryf toe Platmin voorbereidings begin tref het vir ’n oopgroefmyn en moet die grond dadelik aan...
28 August 2015
THE Department of Home Affairs has never been particularly efficient. Recent events have confirmed that its traditional weaknesses have not been addressed, while showing that new problems have developed, particularly in relation to how foreigners and, above all, migrants are being treated.
With a view to resolving the impasse, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is now leading an interministerial...
26 August 2015
The LHR said the guilty verdict showed that effective and efficient investigations could result in convictions.
“LHR is hopeful that this conviction will lead to future investigations and prosecutions of perpetrators of excessive violence – particularly when committed by state officials,” spokesperson Melissa du Preez said.
The High Court in Pretoria found former Daveyton police...
26 August 2015
Independent human rights organisation Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) has launched an urgent application in South Africa's North West High Court, asking Pilanesberg Platinum Mines to cease all mining activities with immediate effect and restore possession of the Wilgerspruit farm.
The matter will be heard in the court on the 3rd of September.
Represented by LHR, the Lesethleng Village...
25 August 2015
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) has launched an urgent High Court application to have Pilanesberg Platinum Mines immediately halt all mining activities in Wilgespruit in North West and restore possession of the farm‚ the organisation said on Monday.
The urgent matter would be heard in the North West High Court on September 3‚ it said.
The Lesetlheng Village Community‚ represented...
21 August 2015
The Constitutional court has passed a judgment ordering the Port Elizabeth Home Affairs to reopen the Refugee Reception Office saying the closure was unlawful.
Lawyers for Human Rights say this judgment will go a long way to ensuring refugees are protected under international law.
Despite a Constitutional Court judgment for the Home Affairs to reopen the Reception Office, it remained closed for...
21 August 2015
Jubilation filled the Constitutional Court on Thursday after the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela Tribal Communal Property Association won a hard-fought and contentious battle for platinum-rich land in the North West.
When Justice Chris Jafta handed down judgment on Thursday, he ended the long struggle within the association, which consists of 32 villages in the Moses Kotane local municipality, the Bakgatla-...
21 August 2015
The Constitutional Court has sent out a strong message to the Department of Land Affairs, which favoured traditional authorities over communities, through a landmark judgment, says Centre for Law and Society director Aninka Claassens.
The court on Thursday handed back mineral-rich land to a North West community that had been locked in a dispute with its traditional authority, ending a long, hard-...
21 August 2015
The Constitutional Court on Thursday issued a “resounding and unanimous judgment in support of democratic control of land in traditional areas”‚ the Centre for Law and Society (CLS) said.
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The court also said that the wishes of traditional leaders should not trump the decisions of a majority of a community.
The society said the ruling “...