All news items
31 May 2006
This year South Africa celebrates its Constitution’s tenth anniversary. Under its guidance, the country has made remarkable advances in overcoming past injustices and creating a country that respects the rights of all its residents. But judging by how well it protects the most vulnerable members of our society—including refugees and asylum seekers—South Africa still has a long way to go. Indeed,...
30 May 2006
Indien mnr. Roy Bennett, bekende Zimbabwiese opposisielid, 'n regverdige verhoor kry van Suid- Afrika se onafhanklike appèlraad, sal hy ingevolge die wet "baie beslis" as politieke vlugteling kwalifiseer, meen Bennett en sy regsverteenwoordiger.
Dít kan verreikende implikasies hê vir honderdduisende Zimbabwiërs wat om politieke redes na Suid-Afrika gevlug het of graag hier sou...
26 May 2006
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA May 26 2006 12:08South Africahas decided against granting asylum to white Zimbabwean opposition politicianRoy Bennett, who fled his country two months ago amid fears for his life, hislawyers said on Friday.
Bennett, a former member of Parliament for theopposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), sought asylum in South Africain March after Zimbabwean police sought...
24 May 2006
The project coordinator has been elected to the Executive committee of the KwaZulu Natal Provincial Advisory council for children (KPACC), which is spearheaded by the Office of the Rights of the Child, which is situated at the KwaZulu Natal Premier’s office. This partnership with Provincial Government will ensure that the rights of children infected and affected by HIV and AIDS will be realized...
3 November 2004
Refugee horror exposed Hearing told of death, torture and sodomy By Jonathan Ancer and Shaun Smillie They come here seeking a better life, but many of them end up beaten, detained - or in a mortuary. At a hearing into xenophobia yesterday, Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) accused the government of not living up to its international obligations to protect foreigners...
23 April 2001
HUMAN rights lawyers are threatening legal action against the home affairs department for ordering border posts to turn back asylum-seekers and refugees arriving through neighbouring states.The lawyers claim the directive contravenes the Refugee Act, and that the department is preparing amendments to the law to make its actions legal. They accuse the government of putting at risk the lives of...
18 May 1999
At the end of May 1999, the Security of Farm Workers Project launched a booklet called "Die Okkupeerder: A resource book for eviction cases". The book was inspired from the work that the Project does and, in particular our daily interaction with the many service providers, advice office workers, para-legals and trade unions that assist people who are threatened with eviction. Download...