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22 August 2010
Daar is nuwe hoop vir die blinde Zimbabwiese vrou wie se baba deur wetstoepassers uit haar arms geruk is terwyl sy op ’n straathoek gebedel het. Die beeldmateriaal van die getraumatiseerde vrou en haar huilende baba (18 maande) het lesers die afgelope week aangegryp en fel kritiek van menseregtegroepe ontlok. Die vrou se ander kind (4) is ook by haar afgeneem.
Rapport het gister...
12 August 2010
The squatters' shacks were burnt down by the Tshwane Metro Police on July 21. With the assistance of Lawyers for Human Rights, the squatters took the council to court.
Acting Pretoria high court judge Jody Kollapen ordered the municipality to erect temporary shelter for the squatters. Judge Kollapen ruled against the municipality's plan to move the squatters to a site in Struben Street, near...
12 August 2010
The cemetery land also serves as a football ground for the squatters. A slimy nearby pond, which oozes green fungi sludge is used by the squatters as a laundry.
"Our biggest fear is the rainy season because the tents will be flooded," Michael Furanji said as he washed his clothes in the pond.
The camp is littered with the burnt-out remains of what used to be the squatters'...
24 July 2010
Pretoria - Moving a group of illegal Moreleta Park squatters to the other side of Pretoria would amount to an illegal eviction, Acting Judge Jody Kollapen told the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria on Friday.
Kollapen refused to allow the Tshwane municipality to temporarily move the group of over 300 squatters to a building in Strueben Street in the West of Pretoria.
He gave the municipality...
22 July 2010
Opinion I By Loren B Landau and Tara Polzer I Those who heard the dog bite remember its bite.
Over the past two weeks, those same people have seen World Cup fever give way to a feverish effort to prevent the forthcoming melee. No one has been readying themselves more fervently than migrants, many of whom have made their way to safety either in South Africa or beyond its borders. Some, who...
14 July 2010
David Holdcroft I Opinion I The vuvuzelas have finally quietened; 64 games, three million spectators, one million visitors and 40 billion rand (A$6 billion) later, the World Cup has been proclaimed a triumph. South Africa feels rehabilitated in the world's eyes while Spain, without the baggage of having eliminated an African team in dubious manner, are regarded as worthy winners.
But it seems...
12 July 2010
Alex Eliseev I 702 Eyewitness News I As South Africa wakes up to a World Cup-free day, threats of xenophobic attacks come into focus. The Police Ministry is downplaying the threats as attempts to steal the thunder from a successful tournament. But out on the streets of townships, foreigners have been told to leave or die.The threats of xenophobic violence have been growing louder as the...
2 July 2010
BUSINESS DAY WILSON JOHWA AN INDICTMENT issued against a former Rwandan general who was shot in Johannesburg earlier this month, holding him accountable for murders that were part of Rwanda’s 1994 genocide, puts his refugee status under question, a human rights lawyer said yesterday.
Lt-Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa, one of 40 Rwandans named in a 2008 warrant issued by a Spanish judge, was shot in...
2 July 2010
BUSINESS DAY WILSON JOHWA The Department of Home Affair's deputy director -general responsible for immigration, Jackson McKay, said yesterday that Lt-Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa has successfuly applied for residency in SA. THE former Rwandan general and suspected war criminal who survived an apparent assassination attempt in Johannesburg last week is a recognised refugee in SA, a status that critics say...
26 June 2010
The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is pleased to announce that David Cote, head of the strategic litigation unit at the leading human rights organisation Lawyers for Human Rights, South Africa will observe the bail application in the matter of The State versus Farai Maguwu in the High Court of Zimbabwe from 16-17th June 2010. Mr Farai Maguwu, a respected human rights defender was...